Yesterday's post about code syntax color schemes got me thinking about what is perhaps the ultimate color scheme, Windows 3.1's "Hot Dog Stand":
The truly funny thing about this color scheme is that all the other Windows 3.1 color schemes are surprisingly rational, totally reasonable color scheme...
I unironically used this theme when I was a kid!
what kind of themes did you use to customize your operating systems or software?
Did you keep the standard themes or did you spend hours customizing the look and feel?
Ah yes! Not so much themes, but I got a demo copy of a Windows 3.1 shell called Wayfarer from a magazine cover disk, and spent many happy hours setting that up. Also creating mashups of the standard wallpapers in Paintbrush, and fiddling with ChromaZone.
I used to spend more time on such things, even to the point of replacing Windows Explorer with Blackbox at least once. Nowadays I just scrounge some wallpapers off the web and put them on rotate.