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Ep 511: Bad Grain Thresher Mindset (VOY S7E15) Ep 511: Bad Grain Thresher Mindset (VOY S7E15) | Maximum Fun

When Voyager gets sucked through a donut hole and into a void, it’s another space mugging and the crew has no way out.

Ep 511: Bad Grain Thresher Mindset (VOY S7E15) | Maximum Fun

When Voyager gets sucked through a donut hole and into a void, it’s another space mugging and the crew has no way out. But when Captain Janeway starts building an alliance by giving away the store, her principles cause a stir but ultimately earn her some valuable new friends. How do you know when it’s door day? Does Garon have a passion outside of work? What could Neelix do to actually improve morale? It’s the episode where powders are wet all over the place!

  • The Void is one of my favorite Voyager episodes. Our heroes are so Starfleet to the core, that a federation-like structure just naturally emerges for them.