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How would you improve your LEAST favorite digimon game?

My least favorite is Digimon world 4. It felt like a non-digimon game that they crammed digimon in.

I wish they had digivolving as more of a core mechanic; you only digivolved once in that game and when you did you needed to basically restart the game from level 1. I also wish the game/combat wasn't so grindy. Sitting in one spot mashing the attack button was the best strategy most of the time and... just wasn't fun.

  • Honestly, I'd just port the Digivolution mechanic from Survive (and thus, the anime) to the Story Games. It's kind of ridiculous how Digivolution works in those games, having to do it as a side activity feels too inspired from Shin Megami Tensei/Persona. I'd rather undertake quests to unlock specific, branching evolutions for my Digimon partner(s) and then evolve them in battle.