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Book 3 - Chapter 38 - Tears of Glass

Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37


Abaddon was, essentially, a giant bipedal horse demon with some serious anger issues.

He also towered over my sister and me, at about four meters tall.

Abaddon snorted heavily from his massive nostrils, a foul breath wafting over Tasha and I. “Pathetic. A Vampiress and a Succubus? Fodder! Hardly better than mortal scum. This is what I am called from the battle against the forces on high to destroy?! A pair of leeches?!”

**“**Fuck you too, horsey,” I quipped.

Abaddon roared, hefting his massive mace behind him as he did so. He swung it over his head, clearly aiming for us.

As the mace sailed over his head, the top hit the ceiling. I expected it to get stuck, but Abaddon powered through. The speed of his swing didn’t even slow as he raged, the ceiling snapping, cracking and bursting apart as his massive weapon careened towards us.

Tasha held her staff aloft and took a defensive stance.

“Tasha, are you insane?!” I shouted, diving towards her to attempt to push her out of the way.

When I clashed with her waist, however, it was like I had hit a wall of stone.

While I was impressed, this put me directly in the path of Abaddon’s mace.

I hadn’t expected our battle to end this quickly. I closed my eye tight, bracing for the impact.

I felt it long before I heard or saw anything.

A shockwave wrapped around me and under me. The ground shook as dust and debris whipped at my face and neck.

The smell of earth filled my nose as I clung to Tasha for dear life.

The sound of dust and debris filled my ears after the shockwave passed.

I looked up, my eye wide, to see the massive mace of Abaddon held firmly in place by Tasha's staff.

Abaddon's massive face turned to a wicked grin, showcasing his predatory teeth which looked even more unnerving in the elongated equine mouth of his, “Ah, I see why my Lord called upon me to dispatch you. You are more than you seem!” Abaddon snorted as his muscles flexed, pushing harder against Tasha's staff.

Tasha began to waver and I saw a white glow where his mace and Tasha's staff met.

The glow was of some kind of barrier and it began to crack and spark with white light as Abaddon pushed harder.

Avatar of Seraphiel…” Abaddon hissed through gritted teeth.

Tasha held both hands on her staff, one I knew better than to come into contact with her purified staff. Even after Eva altered me, I wasn't taking any chances.

“Tash!” I shouted, “Think of something!”

Tasha grunted, “Trying…!”

In a burst of white, I watched as something whipped through the air overhead, Abbadorn roared in pain as his mace, along with his severed hand, fell next to us.

I stood up, backing away as Abaddon's massive hooved feet staggered away from us.

Abomination!” Abaddon roared, his fiery eyes fixed on a brilliant glowing white figure in the air.

I saw many jagged limbs, some appeared to be wings, others looked like arms lacking hands or feet. Over what could be a head, were rings, or halos? Each ring was covered in many glimmering eyes of radiant colors. The figure floated over us, almost as large, if not larger, than Abaddon.

“Abaddon, Amalgamation of Destruction, we have yet to decide our last bout!” The voice called from the glowing white lights above. I recognized it as Vael's!

Abaddon growled, pointing his stump of an arm towards Tasha and I. His severed hand and the mace whipping through the air and slamming back onto his sliced wrist, instantly fusing together with a burst of black smoke, “Indeed. I need to rid the world of you**. The New Sword of Samael, yes?”**

“I am the Wrath of God!” Vael shouted, whipping towards Abaddon again.

The two collided, Vael now equal size to Abbdon's colossal size as the pair clashed.

Tasha slammed her staff down, forming a barrier around us as the building’s ceiling started to break and collapse.

“Time to move!” I shouted.

Tasha nodded, waiting for a moment before lifting her staff, “Go!” Tasha signaled as we rushed out of the building.

Massive stone columns and walls were falling all around us and I did my best to leap over the collapsing structures.

I glanced back quickly, just out of the corner of my eye, to check on Tasha.

Far less agile as she ran, but it seemed she didn't need to be.

One column crashed down on her, to my shock she powered ahead, breaking the massive structure as she charged forward.

I decided I best focus on my own situation.

I leapt over a tumbling wall, launching myself through dust and debris into the air. I grabbed onto the edge of one wall, having to duck as Vael's massive form was sent hurtling into said wall.

The ceiling began to collapse around me as I jumped to the left, dodging the falling structure, launching myself as far away as possible.

I hit the floor running, spotting an exit.

A window!

I threw my blade at the corner shattering it and jumped to the now shattered frame, kicking off of it just in time.

The outer wall was falling apart now and I found myself flying through the air.

Midway through my arc, as I sought for some kind of purchase to slow or break my fall, Tasha caught me in the air.

Her massive succubi wings spread wide as we circled around, landing just outside the destroyed building's steps.

Abaddon's massive form ripped from the ruins, hurling massive chunks of rubble into the air as he roared.

Vael’s form rose from debris as well, both their arms whipping to either side of them as they rose above Abaddon.

Abaddon cracked his neck and slammed his mace into his opened palm, “Now we can battle unabated, Wrath of God.” Abaddon mocked.

I did my best to keep an eye on the battle at first, ensuring that any falling debris wasn't going to hit us.

But that's when I saw Demond's furred body flung through a cloud of dust into the air. Dust blew through his white fur as he soared in the air, his massive jaw clenched in pain.

“Tash!” I shouted, pointing to Demond.

“Monty!” Tasha called out in shock, rushing into the air.

I ran after her.

Demond, for his effort, spun in the air, and managed to land squarely on his hind legs, dropping his heavy body to his forepaws as he looked to where he had been thrown from with a snarl.

Demond looked to the air, “Tash?! Get down!”

I saw the massive figure of Khairnussia soaring through the air, a burning whip in her hand.

Without hesitation, Khairnussia flung her arm forward, the whip swinging towards Tasha.

Tasha turned, holding out her staff to catch the whip.

The whip wrapped around the staff a few times, Tasha pulled back on the staff to cause the whip to snap and melt away from the holy artifact that Tasha wielded.

Khairnussia landed before Demond and I. Tasha landed next to me. “Well, well, well, the puppy has some tricks up his sleeve, yes?”

I rushed towards Khairnussia, drawing my daggers, “I'll slash your throat open, you harpy!” I was knocked back, a burning sensation from my thigh across my belly and up to my shoulder.

“Xei!” Demond growled.

I gasped, the wind knocked out of me as I landed on the ground.

Tasha rushed to my side, holding her staff over my body.

I glanced down to see a burning wound had been etched into my flesh from my thigh to my shoulder.

I winced as Tasha's holy prayers slowly healed the wound.

I tied my armor closed where I could, still feeling an echo of the pain across my body as the wound slowly healed.

I looked up to see Demond snarling, biting and clawing at Khairnussia.

In Khairnussia's hand was a whip, its long length burning with yellow flame, growing longer as it regrew what Tasha had snapped away.

Khairnussia was keeping him at bay with her whip, tail and hooves. Dodging his attacks.

I frowned, “We have to fight her together.”

Tasha's hand was on my shoulder, “Maybe together in a way. Maybe we should…” Tasha bit her lip, “No, it's too soon.”

“Should what?” I asked.

“You could drink from me, for a boost,” Tasha offered.

I shivered, recalling what happened the last time I attempted to drink a little of Tasha's blood.

It was a confusing and disturbing point in my life, struggling with my blood addiction. Tasha had offered up her arm and I had taken it.

It was a dizzying experience. The blood felt like hot fire in my mouth and I felt as if I were dying as her blood flowed into my fangs.

I shook my head, “Fuck no.”

I looked up, grabbing Tasha and rolling out of the way as Vael’s mighty body tumbled through the air towards us.

Vael crashed into the ground where we had been standing, their form quickly shifting and regrouping.

“Vael, do you need help?!” Tasha called out.

Vael's face, or lack thereof, turned to us. Their many eyes focused upon us.

It was bizarre as the eyes regarded me, I swear some eyes focused on me, some on Tasha, others on Abaddon and others on Khairnussia and Demond.

How could someone, or something, take in so much information?

Then again, it was likely difficult for me to imagine, since I only have one eye. Dealing with depth was annoying enough at first, but I was able to compensate eventually.

I tried to imagine what it was like seeing from every angle of the battlefield.

Normally, it wasn’t an issue. Though the problem I had now was that I knew how large Vael was normally. Yet they seemed to have a more colossal size now and that, honestly, was messing with me.

Vael’s huge arm slammed into the ground near me and I looked up, taking in the scale of their body for a moment.

Nearest to me, their solid form seemed to crack open, a circle of sorts appearing.

A rotating halo, of sorts, floated over Vael’s form.

“Xei, Drink from me and aid them,” Vael’s voice reverberated through the air.

I swallowed hard, “Last time I drank from angels it didn’t work out well!” I shouted.

“Do you not see what it was that your half-sister did for you?” Vael asked, glancing at the charging Abaddon.

Abaddon clashed with Vael again, but Vael held their ground, struggling. Though they struggled, their words came unhindered.

“See not at this moment, but all time together,” Vael called out, “You were more important to us than Eva deemed herself,” Vael continued before forcing Abaddon back, “Why do you think this is so?”

I furrowed my brow, but gasped as I felt a whip wrap around my neck.

No time to chat in the heat of battle!” Khairnussia cackled as I felt myself flung into the air.

I struggled to gain control over myself, just as I began to feel the whip pull me back down, the whip snapped.

Below me I saw Tasha and Demond, locked in a fierce fight with Khairnussia, one of them had cut me free!

Vael was clashing with Abaddon, the huge demon rearing back with a mighty swing of his mace.

I spotted the massive mane on Abaddon’s neck, and dove towards it, pulling one dagger out from my hip, and readying my hand to grab hold of him by the hair.

Just as I neared Abaddon’s back, I slammed my knife into his flesh.

My arm felt like it was almost completely ripped from its socket as I tried to slow myself down with my free hand, grabbing hold of his hair as Abaddon began to roar and thrash his head.

I did everything I could to hold on, my arm clearly dislocated.

Annoying gnat!” Abaddon roared, before I heard him let out a grunt as Vael took the opportunity to attack.

My arm was numb and I saw Abaddon’s blackened blood flowing freely over my hand.

There was no desire to drink it, that was for certain. But Vael’s words struck something in me.

I never understood why Eva sold her soul for me. I didn’t even know what the pact she made with my Father was.

I closed my eyes tightly, opened my jaws and bit down on Abaddon’s bloody hide.

I felt my teeth sink in and then dig deeper. It was as if they grew longer just to seek out the blood.

It was vile.

Acrid, sulphury and tasted like rotten meat.

Not like before when I drank from Astaroth.

My arm snapped itself back into place as a surge of strength burned through my veins.

More than strength, I saw visions.

I saw an image of a mighty and beautiful golden haired angel.

His eyes burning violet, wings white but covered in ash and golden fluid of some sort. He appeared battle hardened.

The Angel wore brilliant armor and in his hand was clutched a familiar blade, similar to the one my father wielded.

*“*I give unto you, a physical form. All the wrath, destruction and wickedness of Hades, brought forth into a sentient being. Let my wife rule the peaceful lands of Sheol. But you, you shall be the essence of destruction and wrath. You shall be the reckoning to destroy all of creation,” The powerful Fallen Angel called out, “You are my Abaddon!”

I launched myself off of Abaddon’s back, ripping my blade from the wound as I soared through the air.

Abaddon wasn’t a fallen angel or a demon.

He was a construct, like Vael! An Amalgamation.

But whereas Vael was likely an Amalgamation of Order, Abaddon was of Destruction.

I felt that power rippling through my body and I pulled my other blade out.

I turned my attention to Demond and Tasha, landing right in front of them.

The ground caved in slightly where I had touched down and I could already hear Tasha whining behind me.

“Xei! Not again!” Tasha cried out.

“Shut it!” I growled, turning to Demond, “I’m in control, now let's take this whore down!”

I spotted Khairnussia’s whip lashing out to me again, this time lifting up my arm to catch it.

It burned my forearm as it wrapped around three times.

Khairnussia laughed as she felt she had me, “Maybe you should give less speeches, blood-sucker.”

I grabbed the whip, pulling her towards me.

Khairnussia was caught off-guard, staggering forward.

“Good advice,” I hissed as I stepped forward, thrusting my dagger towards her.

Khairnussia stepped aside, my thrust barely catching her armor. As it did, it left a blackened scar on the otherwise unmarred bronze surface.

Demond leapt into action next, flying through the air and pouncing on her.

Khairnussia roared in pain, black blood and yellow steam spurting into the air as Demond tore into her.

Demond coughed, backing away and shaking his head as the yellow miasma clung to his face.

Khairnussia’s voice lilted out from her lips softly, “Come here puppy, let mommy tend to you… come to mommy.”

Demond growled, shaking his head, “Fighting back my animal instincts was the first trick I learned, harlot.”

Khairnussia’s whip shot out and wrapped around Demond’s neck, “That’s Queen Harlot, Mutt!”

I rushed forwards, gasping as Khairnussia’s tail whipped at me, slicing my face. I felt a sting of venom and my vision grew hazy.

“I think you lot are forgetting to whom you address,” Khairnussia boasted as she walked towards Demond, “I am the Queen of Lust. Your desires, pure and impure, are mine to see and bear witness to,” her burning yellow eyes fixed on me, “For example… I hold the object of your lust in my fiery grip now, blood-sucker.”

Khairnussia tugged on the whip, causing Demond to whimper and yelp as he clawed at it.

I staggered to my feet, feeling dizzy.

Stronger than you look, vampire. That would normally enslave any who suffered but a drop of my venom,” Khairnussia chortled, “Though it seems to have its effect, yes?”

I shook my head, trying to clear it. Venom of some kind was pumping through my veins. But there was more than venom in my blood, I knew that.

I clenched my teeth, calling upon the fiery destruction of Abaddon within me.

I let out a cry of pain, my vision clearing, but I could feel deep wounds within me calling out for attention.

Khairnussia laughed, “Oh my, that was a foolhardy gambit, wasn’t it? Suppose I ought to put the undead back where they belong, yes?”

Demond growled and around him I saw a black mist begin to appear.

“Do not… Mock…” Demond seethed as he reached out into the black shadows around him, “The Dead!” With that he grabbed something, and slashed at Khairnussia.

Khairnussia cried out in pain, staggering back as more yellow steam burst into the air.

In Demond’s furry fist was a massive scythe, its blade shimmering with white light. Within that light, I saw a face reflected.

Two faces, I realized! One was Demond’s human face, looking infuriated.

The other was a similar face to his, one smiling with unbridled confidence.

It was Elon!

Demond roared, charging at Khairnussia, brandishing the scythe in both of his white furred hands.

I rushed in as well. Khairnussia’s whip rushed out at Demond again, but I slashed at it, cutting it before it could touch him.

Khairnussia gasped as Demond slashed her left arm clean off!

I moved to stab at her chest, only for her tail to whip me once again.

Before I felt the effects of the venom, however, a pinkish wave of light passed over me.

I didn’t feel any ill effects and turned to see where the light came from.

Tasha stood there, her eye closed, her staff firmly on the ground. A pinkish bubble surrounded her as she chanted.

Demond turned to me, “I’ve got her front, you get behind her,” he chuckled, “Elon says’ I’m the tank, and you’re on DPS.”

I smiled weakly. Elon, you nerd.

I rushed to flank Khairnussia as she tried to retreat, Demond charging at her from the front.

Khairnussia spun, lashing her venom filled tail at Demond.

Demond blocked one strike, but another caught his shoulder. Just as it did, a pink wave of light washed the venom from him. Even Demond’s singed fur turned white once more.

Khairnussia’s severed arm was quickly surrounded by yellow mist, reforming on her shoulder as she finally stopped running. She held her whip up, blocking Demond as he tried to slash her in half with his scythe.

I kept running alongside her, changing direction swiftly and charging at her back.

Khairnussia’s tail was ready to stab Demond once more, but before it could I took both of my blades and severed it at her backside.

Khairnussia roared in pain, kicking at me with her hooved leg.

I caught the hoof to the chest and was slammed to the ground.

Demond let loose a howl and Khairnussia joined me on the ground, her face covered in yellow burning scratches as her broken flesh slowly reformed.

Albeit with scars matching that of Demond’s claws.

I kickflipped up and brought my daggers out, aiming directly at Khairnussia’s chest as I descended.

Khairnussia rolled out of the way just as I was about to strike, my blades only managing to stab into her fleshy wing.

Khairnussia cried out in pain as her wing tore, and wisps of yellow steam leaked from her wounds.

Another roar filled the air and I turned to my left just in time to dodge the massive hoof of Abaddon as it landed firmly on the ground.

The shockwave alone hurled me and Demond back.

Before we were too blinded, the wind died down and our air cleared.

Tasha was right next to us now, chanting softly.

“Thanks Tasha,” Demond called out.

Tasha was focused on channeling the barrier.

“Don’t distract her,” I reminded Demond.

Demond nodded, “She’s got this.”

I saw a smile come over Tasha’s face as she continued her chanting, waves of pinkish mist pulsing around her and I.

“So… You a believer yet?” Demond asked.

“Not now,” I turned to him, my heart lodged in my throat for a moment, “Is… Is Elon with you?”

“He was the whole time,” Demond nodded, readying his scythe again, giving me a warm grin, “Says he never left.”

I smiled weakly, “Cheesy bastard.”

A wild battlecry came from the mist as Khairnussia soared through the air, landing atop Tasha’s barrier, “I’ll wipe those shit-eating grins off your faces you little maggots!”

Demond readied his scythe, “Tasha, bring the barrier down in three… two…”

I readied my daggers as the barrier dropped.

Demond swung it at Khairnussia’s legs, slicing them off as I slammed mine into her waist.

Khairnussia roared in pain as more of her yellow mana billowed from her body. Her wings beat desperately as she soared into the air.

As she soared into the air, I was carried along with her, both of my daggers still firmly in her waist.

I will not be defeated by some little vampire bitch!” Khairnussia roared, “I am Lust! I am Queen!”

I pulled one dagger out of her waist and slammed it into her chest.

Khairnussia gasped as mana poured from her mouth.

I pulled the dagger out, slamming it back in over and over as I felt her wing beats grow weaker.

I was blinded by the amount of mana and I closed my eye tight, going as far as to hold my breath as I kept stabbing her over and over.

Khairnussia’s hands clawed at me fruitlessly, trying to tear me from her.

But I continued, stabbing relentlessly, even as I felt her struggles weaken. I didn’t stop, I didn’t let up for one moment.

I wouldn’t let this advantage slip by.

Even as I felt myself falling, I clung to Khairnussia’s shoulder with one hand and stabbed with the other. Every spot I could hit.

I didn’t know if I had to strike her heart, her head or a combination of them. But I wasn’t going to let up, not one bit! Not while I had her, not while she was this close!

Even if I died, I knew the worst that would happen would be that I would be with Elon.

As I sensed we neared the ground, I couldn’t help but grin as I realized that right then and there, I had it.

Faith in life after death.

I felt Khairnussia’s body smash into the ground and I went soaring into the air, bouncing off her body as everything spun.

I slammed into something hard, yet yielding and felt myself finally stop moving.

I opened my eye, dizziness still taking me as I glanced up to Demond’s furry wolfy face.

Tasha rushed past me, “We might be able to contain it!” She called out.

I looked at a glowing yellow gemstone of some sort and narrowed my eye as Tasha approached it.

Demond looked up, alarm on his face, “Tash!” He called out, running towards her.

Through the dust we saw Vael’s form careening towards us.

Tasha looked up just as Demond grabbed her, Vael’s body slamming down with a massive shockwave, knocking us all back.

I tumbled across the ground, my arms covering my face as I felt debris and dust sting and ripple across my skin.

Once the shockwave passed, I got to my feet, coughing as I tried to look out into the dusty air.

I could see Vael’s huge form moving in the distance.

Abaddon’s form loomed over Vael, his huge body missing an arm and a wing, the massive mace in the beast’s remaining arm. “And so Ends the Wrath of God.” Abaddon lifted his mace up, roaring as he slammed it down on Vael.

I heard a high pitched cracking noise, as if someone had shattered a room full of glass.

Massive shards flew into the air near Abaddon and Vael.

Abaddon lifted the mace up again, slamming down once more.

Vael’s limbs flexed with every vicious strike.

Tasha screamed out, “Vael!”

I tried to look around for the yellow gem from Khairnussia, unable to spot it in the chaos. My stomach sank as the air echoed with the sound of shattering glass and boomed with the massive strikes of Abaddon’s mace.

Vael’s voice echoed out from the distance, “Find… Cover…”

I saw Demond running towards me, Tasha flung over his shoulder, “Time to go! Now!”

Vael’s form began to glow red and I watched as the massive shards of Vael’s body began to freeze in place.

Vael’s body started to form massive red cracks along their arms and legs, and the massive eye-like halos that once sat over their head detached and began to rotate faster.

Now each spinning wheel was face to face with Abaddon. The wheels made a massive wind that cleared the dust, but forced us to the ground as we heard a deafening vibration.

I watched as the wheels dropped onto Vael’s body, shattering the form, but in doing so sending massive spears of sharpened body parts into Abaddon.

Abaddon roared, blackened blood spurting into the air.

Tasha stood up and slammed her staff down into the ground, chanting louder than before.

We were protected from the wind and I looked out as I saw Abaddon begin to collapse.

As Abaddon fell to his knees, the massive spinning golden wheels landed on the ground before him and smashed into his body. A blinding light filled the horizon, only for a massive shockwave to smack into Tasha’s shield.

Even with the shield, I felt the earth shudder and heave.

My vision was only just coming back as I heard Tasha’s chanting get interrupted, she gasped and I looked at her staff fall to the side.

Tasha’s barrier vanished.

I looked around, out into the distance, seeing only Abaddon’s huge mace and a broken halo of gems out in the distance.

“Vael…” I whispered, taking a step next to Tasha. “...They took out Abaddon, at least.”

Tasha was breathing quickly, I could tell she was distraught.

“They knew what they were doing when they took him on,” I turned to Tasha, my eye going wide as I saw what really caused Tasha to stop her chanting.

Sticking out of her chest was a massive, nearly meter long, slab of marble-like stone. The same sort that made up Vael’s body.

“Tash!” Demond shouted, catching her before her legs fully gave out, “S-Shit, what do we do?! The barrier, how did it get past the barrier?!”

Tasha spoke softly, “V-Vael’s… Body… is an instrument of God… I c-couldn’t…” she coughed, blood flowing from her mouth.

A chill ran through me and my blood froze in my veins as time seemed to stand still.

There was so much blood gushing from the wound and from Tasha’s mouth.

Tasha looked pale, panicked and horrified. Tasha barely moved her neck, her free hand clutching the shard in her chest on instinct.

Demond let go of the scythe, though it remained upright next to him.

There my attention turned to who held the scythe.

Standing there, looking at me from under a hooded cowl, was Elon.

“N-no!” I stammered.

Tasha and Demond had stopped moving. Demond’s face frozen in anguish, Tasha’s in shock.

“No! I can’t lose you both!” I cried, standing up and running to Elon.

Tears streamed down my face as I beat on Elon’s chest, “Please! Don’t take her! Take me instead!” I cried out, “I’m not the good one! I don’t deserve to live! Take me!” I cried out, “Just take me with you in her place, Elon! Please Elon, Demond needs her! I can't bear to lose her like he lost you!”

Elon's warm golden eyes looked down at me, his face calm. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, the scythe still in his hand. “It’s not up to me, Xei. I’m only the ferryman.”

“No!” I screamed, looking up to him, hysterical as my vision blurred and cleared from my tears, “Please! Elon! Call Gabriel! This can’t be! You can't take her from me!”

Elon just held me firmly as I cried. “...You need to speak to Tasha,” Elon's voice echoed.

“W-What?!” I cried, trying my best to find some kind of loophole in the face of death itself, the lump growing in my throat.

“You don’t have much time left with her,” Elon whispered, “Don’t let this moment go to waste.”

Elon was gone and an eerie quiet fell over us as time started once more.

I was crying and Demond was as well.

I crawled over to Tasha, taking her hand, “T-Tasha…”

Tasha turned to me, her breaths coming shorter, followed by a sickening gurgle, her lungs clearly filling with blood.

“...I-I love you,” I whimpered, hot blood seeping from my damaged eye, “I'm so sorry for when I… I hurt you. I tried to talk to Elon b-but,” I stammered as I reached up to it, feeling it, and putting my hand under hers, “I don't know how I'm going to survive without you. Y-You’re my other half…”

Tasha’s shocked face changed and she smiled at me, her hand weakly reaching out to touch my face.

Tasha’s lips moved, wordlessly speaking, “And you are the rest of me.”

Her hand went limp and I watched life leave her eye.

Demond let loose an anguished howl I had only heard once in all my years. It was a simple sound, a long and drawn out melody of mourning and regret. I wished I could sing the same song, but I could barely speak.

I caught Tasha's limp hand.

I broke down, falling on her hand and sobbing uncontrollably.

My fist slammed down on the ground next to her and my heart was lodged in my chest as I felt too much.

So much.

Anger, sorrow, guilt, longing and love. It was ripping out of my body and all I could do was sob and cry out.

All of this, peppered with the howls of Demond, his mournful cries piercing the heavens.

“...I’m sorry,” I heard a voice call out to me.

I turned to see Zepherina towering over me, looking down with mournful eyes.

“Z-Zeph?” I choked out.

“Vael’s gone too,” Zepherina said, her eyes serious, her face stern.

Demond’s voice cracked, “Tasha and Vael…”

“Xei,” Zepherina called to me once more as she tossed something at me.

I looked up, catching a small vial in my hands. I looked at it, recognizing it immediately as blood. “W-What is…?”

“The Host,” Zepherina said, “Jorge said to give it to you and Tasha, no matter your condition.” Zepherina spread her wings, “I’m going to go kill Xyphiel now,” she turned to me, “When you’re ready, I could use all the help I could get. But, before then, pay your respects.” Despite the tough act, I could see tears leaking from Zepherina’s eyes as she launched herself into the air.

I glanced at the blood, unsure what to do.

The scythe moved towards me and I looked up, seeing Elon’s face. “I can’t save her life. But I can keep her soul here, long enough to do what’s needed.”

“H-Her soul?!” I gasped.

Demond looked to Elon, “W-what?”

Tasha, or a vision of her face, appeared near Elon. It was strange, only half of her face was there. “Xei, there’s no time to explain! Drink the blood, then drink from me!”

“W-What?!” I gasped.

Do it!” Tasha’s voice snapped, “You have to!”

“B-But I-” I tried to argue.

For once, have faith in me!” Tasha demanded.

I didn’t hesitate now. I popped the top of the vial in my hand and drank its contents quickly.

I felt the effect of Abaddon’s blood immediately leave me and in its place I felt a surging calm come over me.

I looked at Tasha's still warm body, opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into her throat.

I began to drink the last blood I would ever consume.