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Daily Discussion Thread:🩴 Mon 12 Feb 2024


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  • Not a cat. Luke is a European Wildcat ( sort of like Bob Cat.) He was found as a wild kitten with big azure blue eyes in the Ardenne Forest by a friend of Miss Seagoon. He couldn't purr or meow like normal cats , when grown was huge, had a stubby tail and big paws. He was so timid he would lash out . Just had to leave him be and he was fine. I tried to bring him to the zoo in Antwerp but they said I had to legally keep him .

    He was a nice boy who liked to chase butterflies and sit near to me. I never once patted him tho I really really wanted to. He went to live with friends in Brussels when we moved to America, he would never have passed quarantine.

    • If i didn't know what sort it was I would've tried to pat the risky kitty and probably lose a limb in the process.

      • I tried to pat him when he was a kitten, he bit me to the bone

        Miss Seagoon picked him up once , he bit her so bad she needed antibiotics and had lumps in her hand for a year

    • Luke is beautiful. Boyo had a Serval (S2? I think) before they became illegal. The wilder cats are gorgeous but not so easy to live with.