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Daily Discussion Thread:🩴 Mon 12 Feb 2024


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  • Thought I would be spending $$ on a plumber call out today as water was not draining in my shower. Toilet water was not flushing either. Left it overnight, thankfully the water level went down enough that I could pour a big bottle of Drano down the drain. I think I've fixed it, hopefully it stays that way. I have one of those tile cut out drains, didn't know it could come off or that things collected under there and.... yeah there was a lot of black going on under there. So gross.

    On the plus side, it was a great excuse to get out of going to the office today.

    • If you're in a house/unit/townhouse, check your storm water vent (outdoors). Could be a blockage down the line

      • Thanks! The Drano did nothing, my shower is a pool again 😔

        • If there's water coming out of the vent, call Melbourne Water. There may be a blockage in one of the pits. Happened to me a couple of times (live on the bottom of a court, and the pit is behind my place.

          • This. We had similar issues a couple of years back and it turned out tree roots had grown through and destroyed a pit a whole street away.

            Three trucks and one tree removal later, at YVW's expense, all sorted.

            We still had to pay the initial plumber that came out to take a look and prove the issue wasn't on our property, but they re-imbursed us for that once it was proven that the problem was on their end.