a.k.a. the 90–9–1 principle. Does the Fediverse follow this rule, or are there more creators here as early adopters? Are you a creator, a participator or a lurker?
i'm usually a lurker because i usually don't have anything important to add to the discussion; i don't really want to leave a lot of empty/useless comments around
But on the flip side, when you post useless comments people like me can post useless replies and in doing so we help a post get more traction which helps Lemmy grow
Especially when there's a lot of comments repeating the same points. Like, sure you can add to it but there is only so much left to add after a certain point.
You find a place you lurk that you are also interested in and eventually there will be something for you to contribute even if it is sharing information that you previously saw and share with a new set of people.