Looks great! I went up the 1/101 from Santa Monica to Eugene OR, over to Bend, then back to San Bernardino through the Sierra Nevadas last July on my CRF1100L. The PCH is gorgeous this time of year. Your bike looks a bit more comfortable than mine. Are you camping or staying in hotels?
I stayed in hotels. Wanted to make sure I had some good rest. (this was back in late April I did this ride)
That sounds like an awesome ride, I'd love to go through the Sierra Nevadas. My ride Was actually one-way, I moved up here, and went back for the bike. It's such a great highway machine.
Right on. I'm moving from San Bernardino county to the Seattle area next month. Won't be riding up, but towing my bike on the way. Looking forward to riding in WA. Do you have any road recommendations yet? I think the Olympic loop is top priority for me.