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Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000 Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000

Taxpayers earning under $150,000 would be better off under a plan to retain the 37% tax bracket, unwinding the Morrison government’s stage-three tax cuts due to come into effect this year

Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000

Looks like a rather significant adjustment to the proposed cuts. Although still moving some beans around rather than dropping it.

Rough back of the envelope stuff it seems like ~80-120k earners get the largest dollar cut, but it's more significant in terms of % income at the lower end. So workers in "professional" roles likely to see the biggest impact, still gonna be tough at the low end of town.