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Welcome to Bedfordshire!

Nobody had created a Bedfordshire community so I've set this up. Just trying to work out how to moderate across instances as I don't have a personal account on

  • Thanks for that. I've updated the list.

    Just trying to work out how to moderate across instances as I don’t have a personal account on

    That's a tricky one. As far as I am aware: you can't start a community on an instance you don't have an account on but, I think, you can moderate one.

    If the latter is true, then you could post in the above community (starting a thread if one doesn't exist for your needs) and someone will start one and hand it over (gladly as quite a few of us are looking to divest ourselves of some of the communities we've started).

    If not, then you'll need an account here. Not a big chore as most apps make it easy to switch accounts. I was tempted to get a one but reckon I have enough on my plate here as it is.

    edit: should have checked, and it looks like you are able to mod this community despite your account being on another instance. So it looks like my first suggestion is probably the simplest. Ask and someone will set up a community for you and you can then moderate it but. However, seems you have this sorted now, so... as you were.