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What the fuck is wrong with these people, this is just vile and morbid🤮

  • In our society this would only work with a boy and a woman. Reverse the genders and everyone would be creeped out by a man showing his dick to a 13 year old girl. And when women prey on underage boys, it gets less outrage as well. She is still a pedo, underage boys cannot make those decisions by themselves, they are underdeveloped for that. But boys like sex so it must be less bad for a woman to do that.

    And don't get me started on how this society treats nudity as someting sexual.

    God, (western) society needs to get therapy as a whole.

    Edit: I want to add that women/trans or non binary people who fall victim to sexual abuse also get discarded far too often. Far too often are their voices silenced.

  • you think that's bad? remembered me that time i was in a fbi honeypot called reddit being used as meme material

  • Kids say a lot of shit and want to have things happen to them. Doesn't mean you have to let them. After all, they're kids, not adults. So they don't know any better.

    You, however - are just a fucking pedophile. Therefore...