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Introductions Steve

I am Steve

Hello everyone!
I've always been terrible at introducing myself, writing bios, and the like.

I'm from the US. Originally New York. (State, not the city) Now I live in New Mexico.

I'm 43. I've been a techie, more or less all my life. I can't speak much about my interests before I was 5 or so. I guess it's be about 38 years. I did find it became a lot less fun, when working on computers became a job. So now I'm an X-Ray tech.

When I was a kid we had CompuServe in our house, instead of AOL. So on that alone I was immediately drawn here. It's not my first Lemmy account. But based on the name, and it's most excellent theme –Great work Cameron– I expect this might be my permanent "home" Lemmy instance.