If you play an instrument get the cheapest [instrument] shaped object you can. From 6 months to 4 your only practice time is while watching them in the tub, but you might destroy the insturment saving a drowning kid.
The last time you do something with your kids. You almost never realize it when it's happening.
I first realized it with taking my daughter trick-or-treating. It was Halloween, and I was tired and dreading it. I headed home, got myself psyched up to take her out, and then when I got there she said she was going out with friends instead.
I realized that the previous time was the last time and I was never going to do that again. Despite being exhausted from work, I was heartbroken that I had not focused well enough the previous time. It felt like I had just wasted the opportunity.
She's almost 21 now, and I'm still talking about it. So, you know it hit hard.