But in all honesty, this is almost like being inside a Canadian's brain. I have to translate back and forth at work all the time, and even cooking involves converting things back and forth. I have no idea how many drams to a gallon, so I'll convert ounces to mL, then scale as necessary, and then convert back to US customary because the measuring cups and spoons are labelled in American.
Same, as a Canadian I wish we just had everything in metric instead of 70% of things. If systems of units were money, metric would be paying with dollars and cents, while imperial is paying with sheep and bars of gold.
I also hate that we are loosey goosey with date formats. What day is 07/08/23??? I hate that the US uses MM/DD/YY format but at least they are consistent about it.
It's like we're in a weird limbo between the two. Metric for distance, except height which is in feet and inches. Grams for weight, except for human weight it's pounds (or sometimes not). Celsius for temperatures, but ovens use farenheight. Just pick one goddammit!
I've actually done this a a lot for work needing to work out operating weights of mechanical equipment and checking existing structures for capacity etc. American equipment with all imperial info and Canadian building design. It's easy to convert, but still annoying.
Measuring cups and spoons is probably my worst international pet peeve. I do not understand why please? Why not measure with a scale like every sane being?