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Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real - Joe.My.God.

“You know, we don’t live in a democracy because a democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner. OK? It’s not just majority rule. It’s a constitutional republic. The founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition of what a civil society is supposed to look like. W...

Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real - Joe.My.God.

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  • Good luck with that Johnson, you absolute fucking moron.

    Let's see how far your far-right bullshit gets you.

    The American people are sick and tired of your dysfunctional inability to get anything done.

    • People keep saying this but I've been around since Reagan and with every election cycle things get noticeably worse. The Democrats never keep their promises and continue to cede ground. The Republicans continue ramping up their antics. People said they had enough in 88, in 92, in 96, in 2000, etc etc.

      Every time the American people fell for whatever was being peddled in front of them. As someone who is almost 40, I can tell you the only time I ever thought there might be positive change and people standing up for themselves and their communities at large was during the 2020 protests and pandemic. Surely, I thought this would be the beginning of something new.

      But the media began to ignore things, social media algos quickly adjusted to bury protests and boost disinfo actors. Now I have to wonder just how much worse things will get if this is what we put up with. What will it take to get people to fight for their rights. If we wait until the government makes us (LGBTQ, etc) illegal it will be too late to act.

      I honestly doubt most people will be moved to do anything to defend our rights, they don't even care about their own until the police show up for them.