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Queenslanders asked to weigh in on tough new laws for dangerous dog owners Queensland could be the first state with a total ban on certain dog breeds

Queensland authorities want to get tough on owners of dangerous dogs with new laws that could see them jailed. The state could also become the first to completely ban some breeds.

Queensland could be the first state with a total ban on certain dog breeds

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  • The breed bans are so misguided and wont fix anything. We know now, with scientific evidence, that breed is NOT the cause of aggression. Also while some dogs like pitbulls have stronger bite forces that may contribute to worse injuries, that bite force is roughly matched by german shepherds (which are suspiciously absent from the proposed banned breed list despite this, I'm sure it has nothing to do with their use by the police surely). In fact there are dogs with higher bite forces than both these breeds that don't even make the list.

    Also without DNA testing you cannot know what is an isn't a pitbull. You may think you know a pit when you see one but this just isn't the case. If you have ANY rescue mutt regardless of appearance it may have a higher content than many dogs that are labelled pits on sight alone.

    The issue of breeds being over-represented in attacks is not one of biology, it's one of culture. The more fear mongering about these animals there is the more attractive they are to dipshits who want a dangerous dog, the same dipshits that generally know nothing about canine behaviour or training and think beating an animal will make it behave. Laws like this may actually make the issue WORSE by making the breed more tantalizing to edge-lords.


    I was going to just link the articles and studies individually but I think this video is more accessible. If anyone wants to do a deep dive you can check out the literature mentioned in your own time.

    Do not get me wrong, the dog attacks are a serious issue and owners need to be better held to accountable. However banning breeds is a distraction and makes the issue needlessly divisive. They risk losing support from owners of banned breeds for the actually good legislation proposed.

    INB4 someone doesn't read any of this unhinged screed I've written and calls me a salty pit owner, I have never owned a pit I'm just passionate about animals and the associated science.