I held off on Windows 10 for as long as I could until my job required it. Now this nonsense. I hope this isn't the start of them joining on the web DRM bandwagon.
I do appreciate that Firefox exists so that we have a choice to use something that isn't Chromium and mainly controlled by Google.
But from a business perspective, as Adobe, why would they devote developer time to supporting Firefox? Just to not piss off some nerds that care about that type of shit? What's that like 1% of the population?
From a business perspective they just look cheap, lazy and snobby because plenty of other sites, even way smaller sites with far less resources, seem to figure it out just fine. Firefox may not be huge but it's been around and plenty of people use it. It's not like it's some nerdy little niche side project. They aren't paid to decide what browser you're allowed to use and we all know they can afford to not be shitty about it. I'm tired of the "business perspective" and no longer willing to see anything by it for any even remotely large company. That's what got us into this mess. Their business perspective can suck an egg.
Firefox afaik is web standards compliant so if you make it work in Firefox, it'll work in all other browsers that are standards compliant (including Chromium based browsers).