Haven't watched this, but judging from the reactions people are giving I feel like it might be a yandere thing that isn't coming off as that properly? There's folks with consensual noncon fantasies and all that who might be interested. What about it makes you say "trash" specifically, and if you are suggesting hentai is it because this anime gets explicit/fanservicey?
My tone might be coming off judgmental but I do not mean it that way, just trying to figure out if I would like to watch or not. I am an adult who understands and respects boundaries. I also enjoy messed-up problematic dynamics in fiction sometimes.
As far as I got with it, there was absolutely no porn, and less skin on show than your typical modern high school romcom.
The setup goes like this: noble daughter is engaged to the crown prince, without anyone asking her opinion on the matter. After being forced through several years of unpleasant training, she finally escapes, but now everyone in her life is pressuring her to go back "for her own good". It's the fact that they're pretending that the forced marriage benefits her and she's just being stubborn/stupid that makes it icky more than the fact of the forced relationship itself.