The woke kabal of global elites will abolish traditional biological gender norms. Every character in every piece of media will rewritten be trans. Hamlet? Trans. Jesus Christ? Trans. John McClain? Trans. The global government will keep the population meek with estrogen-laced tofu and anti-gun legislation. Nobody will read Plato; the only philosphers will be Judith Butler and Jaque Derrida. White people and white culture will have ceased to exist. America will be a Communist Islamic Transocracy where conservatives are hunted down by drones that capture them and force them to read Critical Race Theory.
The Bible uses tons of masculine AND feminine descriptors for God. It boggles me that so many Christians have such a hard fucking time with trans topics.
Not trans, per se, but Jesus (or at least, symbolic representations of him and what he stands for) have been hermaphroditic from the very beginning. The source point of divinity is the Union of Opposites according to alchemists - who were quite Christian for the most part.