My #GenZ daughter asked for our old pocket size digital #camera. Apparently, all the cool kids are using them.
My #GenZ daughter asked for our old pocket size digital #camera. Apparently, all the cool kids are using them.
I assumed it was because the cool people suddenly discovered the importance of retro #privacy, controlling and storing your images offline, beyond the reach of content hungry AI. She assured me that privacy had nothing to do with it.
Can someone explain this to me like I'm 23? Why is my old camera suddenly cool?
@[email protected]@[email protected] I think because it is different to use a single purpose object. And it is not disturbing you in a creative process. No bling bling and red new message notifications.
I take a 10-year-old pocket camera on trips, because it's just plain easier, faster to use, and produces equal if not better quality pics than any phone.
Plus I don't worry about charging it. The battery lasts for days. It also has an app to sync the photos to my phone at the end of the day, and my phone uses Syncthing to send those photos to my desktop/server at home.