Captured with the Rodenstock 40mm/4.0 HR Digaron-W lens (@ f/5.6), Phase One IQ4-150 digital back (@ ISO 50), Cambo 1200 camera (shifted vertically -8mm).
Opened as the London headquarters for the Michelin Tyre Co in 1911, and now a mixed commercial building, the Art Nouveau Michelin House features whimsical tire-themed ornaments and stained glass windows with the original Michelin Man "Bibendum" character in various, generally terrifying, poses.
@[email protected] Do you rent lenses? If so, do you typically rent them from one supplier and take them with you, or do you find a rental business where you're going, or some combination?
(I'm assuming you've sprung for the IQ4 since you use it so often, but I guess that doesn't /have/ to be the case either...)