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Can PieFed user-block comments from a particular instance?

PieFed looks so amazing! And it is fantastic how it continues to be developed more all the time.

Though it still lacks numerous features found on Lemmy - e.g. being able to search for users (I tried searching for one of my favorite people to talk to, lvxferre, and many variations such as @[email protected], but came up with nothing - it seems to search only within the text fields, and I saw nothing in any of the dropdowns to look for a "user", or a "community", etc.). Likewise I tried to find existing posts in that search bar - e.g. "Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this." but again could not. Another one is that the frontend UI needs some polish, e.g. on this post I literally cannot see the name of the community (no matter how far I zoom out), only that it begins with "[META] Piefe…" (oh wait no, now I see, at - that's the name of the post? but then why is it repeated like that, in tiny font, right next to / above the huge font, and also cut off - wouldn't it make more sense to just stop the list at "[email protected]"? or if it is important enough to add, then not to cut it off?)

Minor issues of polish aside, the USA election season is coming up so... this makes me wonder: can you block users from a given list of instances using PieFed? e.g. if I wanted to block users, and I mean all of communities, posts, comments, even voting if possible - basically I want a defederation action, but will take a user-level block if that is all I can get. People might be able to engender this behavior with keywords, but the key would be to allow things like a discussion of the [email protected] community name, while blocking the users from that instance name - and yet given the above issue of not being able to search for users at all, my guess is that keyword-based blocking would do the exact opposite of that? (cutting out posts that just happen to contain the instance name, while allowing the users free reign so long as their posts do not contain the instance name)

Either way, I do so look forward to the development of this fantastic Lemmy alternative, which nonetheless federates with it plus so much else besides!:-)


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  • I think you can block a instance here:

    It's the other comment's "Options", their instance URL is a bit weird but it seems to stop everything from the instance. But I never used it myself.

    • Oh my that seems... too easy to hit by mistake, but definitely a promising avenue for functionality at least. Do you know if it is just "posts" from the instance, or do those include comments as well?

      • It includes comments as well :)

        ...and just now I made it hide communities at too.

        • 👏 Okay, thats it - now I need to make an account to test out all this fantastic goodness first-hand. 🎉

          • Welcome aboard! As well has there is also All other instances I know of are single-user ones.

            I'm pretty keen on blocking, in general, so if you have more ideas along these lines they'll get heard.

            As another blocking example, if I post something then not only do I not see replies from people on instances I've blocked, but also my post will not be federated to blocked instances in the first place. So they won't be able to reply to the copy of the post on their instance as it won't exist.

            This only works for local communities - ones hosted on the same instance as the one you're using as that's the only time we get to decide where to send posts to. Currently has almost no local communities.

            • So is open for signups? says it is not - if you are wanting more people to join then you may investigate how to get that changed.

              I guess I should measure ping for vs., which I note is geographically close to me, but then again it probably has a longer delay for software updates that would not - except it lists you as an admin there too, do you deploy updates to both frequently?

              I used to be proud of how I could talk with anyone on Reddit. Now... I know better, that some people are simply trying to waste your time (like sea lioning), whether they even are aware of that themselves or not. So now I'm switching to the good fences make good neighbors approach:-).

              Even Dessalines is doing some great work that is highly useful to the worldwide community, to help break people's dependency upon corporate Reddit - so in that sense, an ally in that fight against misinformation. Although... there are downsides to those efforts as well, both in the instance itself and the codebase pushed out, which makes it hard to avoid the nonsense spouted by its users across the Fediverse, among other things. Almost nothing is fully good or fully bad, afaict, though bad-faith trolling seems the closest to the latter.

              I love (from PieFed's focus on not simply banning an instance or two or three (they'll simply spread as a result of that anyway), but on using algorithmic approaches to identify the patterns that bad actors tend to take, and then provide labels based on that. Which preserves freedom of choices while also allowing maximum guidance that anticipates what someone would eventually choose, if only they had the time to research each individual item in as great a depth as would be needed to accurately judge.


              • Thanks for pointing out the 'open signups' on fediverse observer - I've fixed that up on the PieFed side just now and it'll flow through to that database in due course.

                While I am technically an admin on it was just for some initial debugging and setup support - it's entirely separate from and I don't have the level of access needed to update it's code. I don't know how often Jerry updates his instance but I can tell you is absolutely bleeding edge.

                • Thank you so much for this fantastic conversation, I learned so much and it has been very pleasant:-).

      • That is a good question, I don't know would need to look into the code for that.