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Why are our enemies so pathetic and stupid when we're so handsome and smart? Motivation gaps: Why so much EA criticism is hostile and lazy — EA Forum

Disclaimer: While I criticize several EA critics in this article, I am myself on the EA-skeptical side of things (especially on AI risk). …

Motivation gaps: Why so much EA criticism is hostile and lazy  — EA Forum

includes considerable nonspecific shit-talking of assigned EA enemies, including - horrors! - Timnit Gebru talking about the social issues of the actually-existing AI-industrial complex. also it's not a CASTLE it's a MANOR HOUSE, you fools, you rubes,


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  • I actually don't find this a bad post, but I do want to point out that it got way more karma than any of titotals more critical posts, even though I find many of them better. This once again points to how the EA Forum's voting-power-by-popularity karma system creates groupthink; being critical nets you less voting power than being lauditory, and it disincentivizes calling out bullshit in general.

    When Ives Parr of "Effective Altruism is when you want to spend money on genetic engineering for race-and-IQ theories" fame, made a seperate post complaining that that post got downvoted despite nobody giving a good counterargument, I wanted to comment and call him out on his bullshit, but why bother with a karma system that allows him and his buddies to downvote it out of the frontpage while leaving you with less voting power? A lot of EA's missteps are just one off blunders, but what makes the EA forum's """epistocratic""" voting system so much worse is that it's systematic, every post and comment is now affected by this calculus of how much you can criticize the people with a lot of power on the forum without losing power of your own, making groupthink almost inevitable. Given the fact that people who are on the forum longer have on average more voting power than newer voices, I can't help but wonder if this is by design.