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What are your best non corporate email alternatives? From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services

If Gmail proved anything, it was that people would, for the most part, accept any terms of service. Or at least not care enough to read the fine-print closely.

From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services

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From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services


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  • I use both protonmail and tutanota atm. Had good experiences so far tbh! But for those I know that are truly dedicated to the foss lifestyle, most I know either self host their email service or use something like posteo/distroot. Some I know use riseup as well but I think it’s propertiary I think but have a huge emphasis on privacy though and being very anti corporate.

    • Thank you! This is very helpful. Do you know if they made bad experiences being flagged as spam?

      • I should think so, though honestly I have not gotten any spam from protonmail/tutanota ever since I switched over from gmail years back and I’ve only gotten emails that’s I’ve signed up to or that I know are relevant to me aka important emails.

        Services like gmail survive by spying on your emails in relation to also having ads on their services, hence why you get so many emails and junk you don’t remember signing up on the promotions tab, despite gmail is supposed to be well renowned for “anti-spam” whilst also not being totally private whatsoever cuz of it. It’s all just a cover tbh esp with top free mail providers.