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Mouse not working properly

I've got a Raspberry Pi 5 which I've got set up and am slowly installing things on via Docker Compose, but I've realised that I'm unable to copy or even highlight text. It's like there's a phantom click or something. The mouse works on my other laptop, but that's got its own problems. Anyone know how to fix it?


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  • Out of curiosity are you able to click on text and highlight it by holding the shift key and arrowing? Then copy and paste it with ctrl+c and ctrl+v? Not trying to give you a work-around necessarily, but wondering if it is mouse related or something else.

    Have you tried another mouse on the pi?

    • I can, but unfortunately, I can't even highlight text in the browser unless I turn on the cursor setting and that's kinda overkill.

      I'll try another mouse when I get back to my Pi