Gen Z is coming into the workforce and — in the grand tradition of what Millennials cringe-ily called “adulting” — they’re complaining about how much easier older generations have had it financially.
Read Hunter Thompson's book "Hell's Angels." There's a section where he breaks down the economics of being a biker/hippie/artist circa 1970. An Angel could get a job as a Union stevedore and earn enough in six months to live on the road for two years. A part time waitress could support herself and her boyfriend.
The Good Doctor is the only person who died before the shitshow we find ourselves in today both politically and economically whose opinions on it I really want to hear. In football terms he and his writings always had incredible down the field vision in part because he had such a firm grasp on the cultural flows of the present and the national temperature of the US people.
Now I have to dig out "...On The Campaign Trail" and reread the part where he writes about talking football with Nixon.
A lot of people told me that I should watch the series "The Deuce" with Maggie Gyllenhaal. I stopped watching ten minutes into the first episode because they had a pimp recite some of Thompson's wisdom as if the writers had come up with it on their own.
Hunter’s influence is everywhere but it is infuriating when someone tries to claim some sort of brilliance he wrote down 50 years ago. I need to read hells angels again it’s been a decade at this point but it will have to wait until I both start and finish the illuminatist tirlogy. I read his 9/11 article regularly just to get a fix for his particular voice and perspective