In regards to the topic that has been closed recently: Collections not displayed after update - #8 by danny-dainton So how exactly does one use collections now for people who literally can’t connect the postman client to an account (login = literally impossible)? Exporting my settings is all well ...
I'm a bit late to the party here because I haven't needed Postman for a while, but how is it okay that now we have to LOG IN TO POSTMAN and send our API requests to them for them to store on their own cloud?
I don't have a problem with storing my collections in the cloud behind a login anymore than I do have my company email hosted. It makes my tests accessible anywhere without having to resort to a different file sharing service like Dropbox or Drive.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the option to keep all that shit local though? Like there used to be?
Here's what I want to know: if the point is to make money, why do they need all my requests to MUST live on their server? How does that help them? There must be an answer and I want no part of it.
That is meant for hobby devs. At work i can understand that, because if the works test data gets stolen (by possible data leak or exploit) who cares. But it is Postman just digs itself a grave with that, piece by piece.