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What’s the tiniest thing about iOS / iPadOS / macOS that really bugs you?

As much as I don’t like negative threads, there’s one thing in iOS that really irritates me, and I want to air it…

Pressing and holding the tab button in Safari to access tab groups, should have a haptic response.

Because it doesn’t, I often end up opening the tab view instead, so I have to huff a little, hit Done, then try again. I don’t know why it annoys me that it doesn’t because none of the other buttons in Safari do, but I feel like it should.

No, I have not contacted Tim Apple about this. Yes, I probably should.


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  • Cutting and pasting files not being a thing

    The change a few years back when a lot of apps changed the "maximize" button to full screen instead and not only does that suck it's inconsistent between apps

    There not being a shortcut key to switch between monitor modes

    They can't keep the best part of the OS consistent. The system preferences menu was well organized years ago. Every few months they fuck with it in a way that makes it a little worse

    "Natural" scrolling suddenly was default and precisely opposite to how people had been scrolling for 20 years

    Updates keep changing apps -- just pick a way and stick with it

    Xcode is bloated garbage

    • Natural scrolling confused me for a good hour or so, but I figured I’d stick with it. I’m glad I did, because it actually does make more sense to me.

    • Cutting and pasting files not being a thing

      On macOS? Press option+v to move the file instead of copying it. I actually think it's better because it means you have "more time" to decide which action to do (vs. ctrl+x where you have to decide upfront).

      • I mean that's just called moving. Another way to do cut + paste, except on MacOS we don't have this specific option, vs every other OS I've used, we do.

        • What do you mean? It is a direct substitute for the cut action on Windows (and Linux desktops which copied the shortcuts from Windows) with a minimal change to how you use it. Cut and paste is just moving as well, and I don't think you have an exact equivalent to option+v on other OSes either.

          • I don't think you have an exact equivalent to option+v on other OSes either.

            If that were true, it wouldn't bother me, but it's not. You can move files by dragging on at least windows, if between drives you just need to hold shift iirc

          • I never said it prevented me from moving files. I said it was annoying to be missing the option to do it that specific way. It's just a personal preference.

            • Fair enough, I suppose. I guess I can understand considering I've spent significant effort to remap keys on Linux (especially cmd/ctrl) to be more like the Mac equivalent so the key sets I change between aren't as different from each other.