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Daily Thread - Thursday 29 June


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  • oh jeez

    massive argument with mum.

    After what I've seen she can't continue driving she's going hurt someone or herself or worse and my advice is falling on deaf ears and stripping independence. hrmm

    and thank you to all for the advice yesterday now is the pointy end.

    • Stay strong buddy. You've got our support.

    • Feels. Went through all this with my Mum. The loss of driving didn't impact her so much, but the gradual loss of language really hit her. And the little tedious things of life admin just kept shrinking from her grasp as she hit her late 80s. But she was too polite to complain. In a way, a massive argument would at least get everything out into the open where it can be dealt with. And solutions found and organized.
      I can't forget how we discovered that my mum was attempting to cook for herself over a portable gas stove because she hated the food provided at her retirement home. All her cardies had burnt sleeves at the elbows.

    • God, I remember the massive "discussion" my dad and grandpa had before he passed about how he wanted to keep his license because pretty much everything you said.

      I don't have much to say but, I feel you buddy.