I really wish those politicians would address the issue of unoccupied housing as well. I feel like saying that the solution is to build more housing is to play in the pockets of investors while pushing for less unoccupied residencies is going against it and why I believe it is not talked as much on the political front.
I wrote this for a US bill that they're trying to pass, but it might apply in Canada?
Corporation Plan
Step 1, US has a financial meltdown
Step 2, corporations buy up all of the housing at cheap prices, price fix the rentals and use a shit ton of them for airBNBs
Step 3, not worry about the empty units or homes because price fixing and airBNBs will fix that
Step 4, develop a crowdfunding site so "investors" can get in on the renting/price fixing game
Step 5, complain that there isn't enough housing to get the zoning changed, so they can build "luxury" apartments where they continue to price fix or rent out to tourists/business people because they're ToTALLy NoT A hoTEl!
Step 6, profit, profit, profit
Common Person Plan
Step 1, look to buy a home but there's not enough supply so the prices go up
Step 2, try to save but their rent keeps getting raised because it's being price fixed and there is a lack of supply (sometimes real because of the tourists)
Step 3, continue to rent while nervously waiting to try and build up a deposit and there's less and less supply
Step 4, rent, rent, rent further away from the city core