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[2023 Day 3] Motivation time!

Thanks Homer.


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  • 2D grids and parsing data from them in all manner of interesting ways is a real AoC staple.

    I'm still hoping to be met with a problem at some point which can be solved by handling it as a type of funge program.

    • Oh indeed, but it’s normally quite straightforward in the first few days. Certainly my terrible solution today is longer than any in the first maybe 10 days of last year.

      What’s a “funge program”? [edit, oh befunge-like I guess]

      • Yep, funge has been used to describe any kind of multi-dimensional programming language - often with self-modifying code, I've personally found both 3D and 4D funge languages.

        There's just something with the whole concept that amuses me, I've been trying to build some kind of funge-style programming puzzle game for a while now, but haven't figured out a good hook to take it past being just a PoC yet.

        • I’m not sure whether to be intrigued or horrified at the idea of an AoC type challenge where we slowly build up a 4D “FungeCode” interpreter like 2019’s IntCode series (which I notice I still haven’t completed!)

          • Writing and debugging 4D code is... interesting.

            When your code can't just run forwards and backwards, but also left and right, up and down, and even inwards and outwards.