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Daily Discussion Thread: Thur 16Nov 2023


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  • It's bin day, and I have successfully put out my bins, including clearing out some old things from the back of the food cupboard. I would like to have a word with whoever installed the "just in case" voice in my head. You know, the little voice that when you find the remainder of a packet of chia seeds with an expiry date of 2012 in the back of the cupboard whispers "you should keep that, just in case..."

    • If you had it in the last house, it does not need to move again (food stuffs)

      • Having been in this house for over 17 years now I would definitely have to agree.

        • I was kinda of suggesting the opposite. If you’ve moved multiply and kept a food stuff you really ain’t gonna eat it

    • The ‘just in case’ voice came as a factory setting with my brain, and applies to everything, not just food, unfortunately