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What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. Say goodbye to retirement? A 'soft saving' trend is emerging among young people

Generation Z is leading the "soft saving" trend, a new financial approach that prioritizes personal growth and mental wellness over aggressive saving goals.

Say goodbye to retirement? A 'soft saving' trend is emerging among young people

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations.

About 41% of Gen Z and 44% of millennials — those who are currently between 27 and 42 years old — are significantly more likely to want to do some form of paid work during retirement.


This increasing preference for a lifelong income, could perhaps make the act of “retiring” obsolete.

Although younger workers don’t intend to stop working, there is still an effort to beef up their retirement savings.

It's ok! Don't ever retire! Just work until you die, preferably not at work, where we'd have to deal with the removal of your corpse.


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  • That makes no sense.

    Speaking for myself, I plan to remain active for as long as I can manage because I've seen what retirement causes to people. Vegetating on a sofa in front of a TV is not a good way to spend your last stretch on this planet. But neither is working.

    And even when I no longer have interest in working for a salary, I want to remain active. Hopefully I'll have grandchildren to help with, my dogs to train and a garden to tend. But I do want to retire and expect everyone to do the same.

    The way the system is being "overhauled" is bonkers. I was listening to a podcast the other day where it was calculated that for the EU, by 2050, pensions would be around 45% of the final salary earned, with some exceptions reaching 95%.

    I don't expect for my (hopefully) pension to cover for luxuries but I do expect it to aid me maintaining a decent, even if frugal, standard of living. I do not want a millionaire pension, like many paid today, over tens of thousands of Euros.

    Be brave and set maximum values for pensions. I've known people with pensions over €5000; minimum wage in my country is €765x14: that's €10.710, yearly, before taxes. Do rest of the math in your head. A few years back, it was outed the highest pension paid in the country was around €120.000, per month. That is insane. Meanwhile, many receive pensions below €200.

    • Vegetating on a sofa in front of a TV is not a good way to spend your last stretch on this planet. But neither is working.

      Just as an FYI, older people do such things not because want to, but because their bodies' current condition won't let them do otherwise.

      You really do start going downhill quickly in your late 50s, healthwise.