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Double standards or something, I don't know...


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  • Both suck to be fair but Israel for me suck less. My reasoning mostly stem on their Ideology. Israel leans more to the US. Israel though recently leaning more to the extreme right, is still liberal compared to the rest of the nations in middle east. Woman has more freedom under Israel it seems. LGBT is more supported in Israel. For Hamas on the other hand has the same vibe for me with Taliban it doesn't help that it is supported by Iran and Russia. As for Ukraine I support them since they lean more to the West (EU and the US) and they are more democratic than Russia. That's my thought anyway.

    • So you support Israel committing genocide in Palestine because they lean west. Way to go lil bro

      • Curious, Tell me why should I support the Hamas instead?

        • You should not. But you should see the conditions under which Hamas has formed and how the Occupiers are at fault for this. The greater Palestinian cause is far more in the moral right than Israel has ever been.

    • My reasoning mostly stem on their Ideology. Israel leans more to the US.

      Mask off lmao