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Extreme Misogyny in Incels Probably Not Caused by Sexual Frustration Extreme Misogyny in Incels Probably Not Caused by Sexual Frustration

New Study Challenges Link Between Sexual Frustration and Extreme Misogyny in Incels: Understanding the Psychology behind Misogynis

Extreme Misogyny in Incels Probably Not Caused by Sexual Frustration

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  • Toxic masculinity is a thing and it needs to be addressed by these large media companies.

    My 13 year old was joking about "Andy Tate" in a neutral way so I asked him where he was hearing that name. He couldn't give me an answer but I know he's on discord and YouTube primarily. I know I'm constantly blocking channels with Joe Rogan content (wtf is with the dozens of highlight channels of his drivel?).

    I understand freedom of speech but to young impressionable minds this shit is dangerous and I don't think without strong punitive measures these people will stop.

    "I'm just asking questions bro"

    "Broseph I don't hate women but maybe the hunter/gatherer relationships are important"

    "Maybe things were better when things were simpler"

    Preying on impressionable minds is what they're all doing without providing any context to their bullshit.

    Beyond that, the boys ain't alright. The world continues to shift away from historical patriarchal control and many men are threatened by this and right or wrong many of them feel they're being left behind.

    Look at post secondary enrollment numbers by gender trended over the decades. Boys are checking out of the system. It's an uphill battle for me as a father and as a man trying to provide positivity to young boys knowing the ecosystem around them routinely portrays them in an unrealistic light on both spectrums.