Former Portland City Commissioner accepts $680,000 to settle lawsuit against Portland Police union, 2 officers, over "racist and politically-driven smear campaign"
Former Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty has accepted $680,000 to settle a lawsuit against the police union and two officers for sharing information that falsely implicated her of committing a hit-and-run.
Archived page, if you're paywalled or region-blocked
When Portland elected this woman, the PPB started their unofficial "work slow down", well before the big protests. The PPB and PPA were so angry that the city would elect someone who ran on a campaign of police reform that they just stopped showing up to calls...
Edit: Which basically translates to them holding the city hostage over having their fee-fees hurt...
Wasn't it the current PPB leader (still in the role, fyi) that recently all but confessed to eradicating traffic stops, learning police presence throughout the city, etc. in order to pressure the city for more money?
They did the same to Chesa Boudin in San Francisco too, greatly contributing to the successful recall efforts of a coalition of "centrist" and conservative pro-cop demagogues. The same has probably happened to other reformist prosecutors as well.
That cops would much rather all stop working than let the murderers amongst them face consequences is proof positive that ACAB.