There were also early coronavirus vaccines being developed with mRNA tech to fight SARS and MERS. I have a friend who got the MERS vaccine as part of a test group.
And it came together with new rapid prototyping technologies for vaccines, and far better computer modeling than anything anyone has ever had before. Like, there were a bunch of technologies that just happened to be coming into maturity at almost the same time, and between those technologies and the combined powers of most of the major vaccine labs on the face of the planet, and the near-infinite money to tie all of that in a nice package, a vaccine was developed in 10 months
It's really a story of humanity actually pulling their shit together and deciding to throw all their chips in a pile, as it were.
I was already amazed by the vaccines' development but this really put into perspective just how fortunate we were and how Herculean the effort was to do it. It truly is awing what can be accomplished when the tools and our collective will are combined for a singular purpose.
They scream about it, but MRNA tech & the other advancements involved enabled us to get from zero-to-vaccine in record time, and I'm convinced that because of that, my 84yo mother with COPD is still here!