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Questions for those who shop at Joja

Why do you betray Pierre? Why do you hate supporting local economies? How do you sleep at night?


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  • I haven't gotten far enough in my joja run yet to have actually bought the membership (I'm trying to finish a couple of the community bundles) but 1) it's a whole possible path in the game, I have to play it at least once, and 2) autopetters

    • I love the autopetters, they allow me to get so much more done in a day.

      • I'm somewhere around year 8 on my community center save and still haven't found a single autopetter. Apparently I'd need to spend significantly more time in the caverns to get just one autopetter than I had to spend in it to complete the entirety of the perfection tracker. I'm looking forward to being able to buy some from joja.

        • Oh no, the RNG can be really unfair! I hope you can get find yourself one in the near future on your CC save.

          On my CC save, I found a couple but I tended to just bomb my way through the floors iirc. I have yet to find the Elvish Jewellry though, I only found it on the JoJo save.

          My hat's off to you for reaching the perfection achievement, congrats!

          • I'm planning on trying for three autopetters on that save at some point (one for each of my farm buildings) but we'll see how long it takes to get those...