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Downgrading the Ingredients in our Food Items: 'Skimpflation' Hits Grocery Stores in Canada [Op-Ed] /retail-insider/2023/08/downgrading-the-ingredients-in-our-food-items-skimpflation-hits-grocery-stores-in-canada-op-ed/

Sylvain Charlebois discusses the subtle alteration in the nutritional composition of some products as manufacturing costs soar in the industry.


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  • The thing that always boggles my mind is seeing cheap materials in Canada. This is one of the highest cost of living places on Earth. We should expect that anything involving manual labour will be stupid expensive here... But materials? Basic ingredients? The minimum hourly wage in Canada higher than the average daily wage in a country like India. If raw materials really cost what people charge us, most of the world would suddenly become corpses laying unsheltered in the sun.

    If I'm paying you over $20/hr, use the good stuff because the cost of ingredients or materials is going to be a rounding error on the bottom line!