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What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?

There are a lot of GOP-controller legislatures in the USA pushing through so-called “child protection” laws, but there’s a toll in the form of impacting people’s rights and data privacy. Most of these bills involve requiring adults to upload a copy of their photo ID.


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  • On a moral level, I do agree with keeping children from accessing certain content online, especially porn. I think I'd be happier if I porn was less accessible to me until I had the mental faculties to understand it.

    On a practical / policy level, I disagree since there is no way to stop children from accessing this content without drastically hampering the freedoms of all people. I see no good solutions. I really feel bad for parents who have to raise kids in the internet age.

    • That’s basically my thinking too. So is the solution just increasing transparency in sex ed? I think someone has to say to kids “pornography is nothing like real sex and a lot of it is degrading to women”

      • Yes. It should be a multifaceted approach, and increasing sexual education is absolutely a part of that. Good luck getting more funding for education ESPECIALLY if it could be used for sexual education in these red states though.

        They preach abstinence and then feign surprise when that’s not what happens.

        • The sad thing is is that they continue to preach abstinence when they themselves were not abstinent. It's like they are hell bent on making the next generation have to be better than them in order to be allowed to exist.

          It's fucking stupid. We are not smarter than our parents. We just have more fucking information available than they did.

          • Rules for thee not for me has been the mantra of boomers forever

      • Basically that. I don't want to say 'bad parenting', because my own parents basically never spoke to me about this stuff at all and I don't think it negatively affected me at all. I think they just observed that I didn't really need them to have that talk, and so didn't bother. In my case, it worked out. But for many kids it might not.