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  • Lemmy's machine-generated ORM SQL and hand-made flawed PostgreSQL TRIGGER logic is so bad, bloated. The developers on GitHub brag about "high performance". It's unbeliable.

    In reality, small instances work because it has so many SQL performance problems that it mostly only is stable with little posts and comments in the database. They dd everything they could to avoid using Lemmy itself to discuss [email protected] topics and hang out on Matrix Chat to avoid using the constantly-crashing servers they created.

    If you go to a server with no users creating comments and posts and only has a tiny amount of data, it does crash a lot less.

    • Oh geez, why would the Lemmy developers want to do any kind of discussions with you over at the [email protected] community, which you moderate?

      • I see you think that their behavior has only been since June 2, 2023 when I created my account.

        The problems with them avoiding Lemmy, "eating their own dog food", to discuss [email protected] have noting to do with me. They hang out on Matrix Chat and do not ask for Rust or PostgreSQL help to their constantly crashing code.

        Your style of arguing is to say I wear glasses and have "4 eyes", childish. You obviously can't go see they created a new Rust front-end on Github all on your own .... and that it was not me personally who created GitHub issue 2910 on June 4, 2023 - almost a month before the Reddit API change.,

        Is it the pro-China stance that you like about the developers?

        • Matrix is a better discussion platform than Lemmy, as one is messaging focused, and the other is a message board. Why are you against Matrix? There's nothing to discuss on [email protected] because as far as that community is concerned, it's dead.

          You call me childish when you were the one that retaliated against the developers by creating rubbish issues? Ironic.

          What's with you and your obsession with China? From how much are accusing people of being pro-china, you sure love being on, the instance run by the developers.

          • You call me childish when you were the one that retaliated against the developers by creating rubbish issues? Ironic.

            Actually they were sincere questions. I am not retaliating. I want to know why they are doing it. But you seem to want to avoid that.

            it is disturbing how they are behaving and the cult following they are cultivating by having their servers crash all the time to get donations/etc. It's like someone faking cancer. And you seem to be unable to study the code and see just how easy it was to fix the mistakes they went so far out of their way to not correct.

            It is you who thinks such manipulation of an audience, the server installers and the creators of content, is defensible. I watched them cover-up a PostgreSQL question as fast as they could when 0.18.3 report came in on install. It was highly disturbing and bewildering to witness this. Why do they want servers to crash?

          • Matrix is a better discussion platform than Lemmy,

            It was not crashing every 10 minutes of every day due to SQL TRIGGER code that the developers ignored.

            • Which also makes... Matrix the better discussion platform? What's your issue against Matrix?

              • I think Lemmy project creators work 9 to 5, for 4 years, and want to collect money. They do not use Lemmy. That's my point. They prefer Matrix. That's my point. They don't use Lemmy or care that it crashes all the time, they keep adding new features and the server crashing they consider acceptable.

                They even brag and boast on Github that lemmy is "high performance", and that it has "full delete" when these are not factually true and it is low-performance code and does not delete, it crashes on delete. Is it their self-deception or the audience they are deceiving, or both?

                • Again, what's your point? Lemmy belongs to them, they can do whatever they want with it. Don't like it, fork it. What's your goal?

                  • What’s your goal?

                    a world where peace, love, and compassion are favored by people and people voluntarily support goodness.

                    they can do whatever they want with it. Don’t like it, fork it.

                    It's become clear that what bothers you so much, what you are trying to do is drive off conversation. You care about the machines delivering your content. I actually care that people have self-awareness in the audience of the media they use. Not have blind faith that "fork it" actually is all that matters, and ignore teachers like Marshall McLuhan or Neil Postman who think it is important consumers of media are able to see how their own brain works instead of thinking "fork it" is all that matters, code.

                    I think audiences could use a website like Wikipedia to do news, instead they favor websites like Reddiit,, Twitter, Lemmy where the main focus is to sort by NEW and get FRESH "breaking news" without accuracy. A rumor mill of rushed information that is often inaccurate or distorted for the purposes of selling adverting/marketing/product placement. I don't think the cost or "fork it" technology of Wikipedia style sites is the problem, I think the issue is audiences have become addicted to and seek out poor-quality information so they can argue about it. A Wikipedia system with edit history and citations would put an end to too many debates and arguments that people seem to seek on rapid "refresh" social media.

                    I think humanity has gone from the information age to the disinformation age, and I think it is self-destruction, a major war or other self-destruction brewing.

                    • If you have the answer, and have had it for over a month, create the PR for it. Why is that an insult to you?

                      • If you have the answer, and have had it for over a month

                        Why can't you say the same thing about the Lemmy developers? They are the ones who installed the mistake. now suddenly others have to fix their mistakes for them? It's really odd how you deflect from their responsibility.

                    • a world where peace, love, and compassion are favored by people and people voluntarily support goodness.

                      If you were, you wouldn't be trying to incite conflict by accusing everyone of being pro-China or pro-CCP, or going off on a rant on America's social media companies.

                      It’s become clear that what bothers you so much, what you are trying to do is drive off conversation

                      Well, I'm nice, I don't want to hurt your brain further by engaging in pointless conversation with you.

                      You care about the machines delivering your content. I actually care that people have self-awareness in the audience of the media they use. Not have blind faith that “fork it” actually is all that matters, and ignore teachers like Marshall McLuhan or Neil Postman who think it is important consumers of media are able to see how their own brain works instead of thinking “fork it” is all that matters, code.

                      How the flying spaghetti meatball monster fuck is this relevant to your rant over how you were getting sidelined on GitHub?

                      I think audiences could use a website like Wikipedia to do news, instead they favor websites like Reddiit, Twitter, Lemmy where the main focus is to sort by NEW and get FRESH “breaking news” without accuracy.

                      Okay, get off Lemmy then, why are you helping the Lemmy developers to the point of hurting your brain? You are nothing but full of contradictory statements. Nothing is keeping you here, if you don't want to be here, leave. It is that simple.

                      • if you don’t want to be here, leave. It is that simple.

                        It's funny how you are projecting. You do not want ME here, you keep telling me to leave. If I wanted to leave, i would have left But you seem very confused. Simple flippant dismissal seems to be your approach to complexity.

                      • by accusing everyone

                        "everyone', yha. You really think Lemmy is "everyone", or you lie and deceive that at least.

                        I think people are pro-authority in their religion to books about dead people; It doesn't even have to be a living China government. Even the machines or an application code can be what you are loyal to. But they like the power, attracted to even the server crashes, spectacle.

                        Well, I’m nice, I don’t want to hurt your brain further by engaging in pointless conversation with you.

                        You commanded that I "fork Lemmy", that I code, that hurs my brian too. But you lack comassion and enjoy mocking weakness.

                      • How the flying spaghetti meatball monster fuck is this relevant to your rant over how you were getting sidelined on GitHub?

                        Do you even know who Neil Postman is, is that why you think nothing is relevant to how Lemmy is run? That would explain why you think it isn't relevant, because you never heard of Neil Postman. He did die decades back, so it wouldn't surprise me. It must be easier for you to jsut give flippant replies "how the flying fukc" instead of actually learning or reading a book from Neil Postman.

                        "Fork it", "wtf", you like simplistic answers to difficult problems. Clearly you would not spend hundreds of hours testing fLemmy and watching the developers before posting something like I did this past few days. It's really sad to see your total faith and blind faith in action.

                        I can see why you might have never read something from Neil Postman and responded as if it was off-topic to social media applications and their cultures.

        • Wow. Who stole your candy?

          • Who stole your candy

            Cambridge Analytica in 2014 seems to have turned much of the online population attitude to that of dismissing human beings in favor of memes and disinformation. and the player who seeded anti-vaccination topics since 2013 on the Internet, that was documented in 2018 by John Hopkins university. my "candy" would have been teachers like Carl Sagan having enough students in the population that junk information wasn't saturation... but since 2014 junk just seems to keep growing and expanding.

    • You're spamming this all over this thread. Why don't you go create a PR instead? If you think you have a better solution then go discuss it with the people who have the full context and try to get it fixed instead of complaining here.

      • Why don’t you go create a PR instead?

        It's amazing how you have fallen hook line and sinker into believing that the problem is difficult to solve. It's the agenda that is the problem.

        They have people like you who will not read actual code to see that they only care about the fact that "Rust is cool programming language" and crashing code doesn't get any priority.

        They even started a new front-end Rust application this month, because they don't care to bother with the core of the site, PostgreSQL doing INSERT and SELECT statements to load comments.

    • You're rocketderp based on your instability I'm guessing? Looks like your the only one that is nonsensical in that thread. Your PR isn't a PR. You were rushing to someone that was being helpful but you still acted like a child with your advise of GitHub bugs and PRs and not using them properly. The other person in agreement with you at least is calm and rational. I'm guessing you never worked on a group project before or have had anyone disagree with you. Your commits broke the pipeline. Someone even tried calling you down, but you wouldn't listen.

      You aren't the victim here. You're the bully.

      • You’re rocketderp based on your instability I’m guessing?

        Yes. My name is Stephen Alfred Gutknecht. It is clearly detailed here on my profile that I am "RocketDerp" on GitHub.

        Looks like your the only one that is nonsensical in that thread.

        Issue 2910? The word "nonsense" is being discussed about a Lemmy TRIGGER on June 4, 2023.

        I’m guessing you never worked on a group project before or have had anyone disagree with you.

        You would be guessing wrong. Since late 2019 I am in constant mental anguish and barely surviving. My communications is a constant struggle and I openly disclose this so that it is understood, I am not attempting to cover it up.

        I’m guessing you never worked on a group project before

        The "i'm guessing" game. And I note you can't actually cite the Github issues by number (2910) or keep details here in fact. A lot of "guessing" going on.

        based on your instability I’m guessing?

        "guessing" again. Should I guess you do not know how difficult or easy it is to remove a TRIGGER in PostgreSQL that is causing server crashes?

        You aren’t the victim here.

        Why do you think this is about "me"? I haven't donated money to the project or had blind faith in the developers.

        You’re the bully.

        I'm beyond frustrated that they seem to be going so far out of their way to have servers crash that their motives for doing so need explanation. "Social hazing" is the best answer I can come up with. I've now outright asked why they are dong it, because the pattern of behavior with trying to let server crashes has been going on now for months.

        I have to admit that it's amazing the number of people they have attracted with the server crashing. It's been a social experience in some ways like Elon Musk is doing with Twitter. Perhaps it bothers me when other people actually seem to enjoy it. That seems to be the hiveMind reaction here. In that sense, if it is "social hazing", it has worked very well.

    • That's an interesting community.