I have to use Windows at work. Once, apropos of nothing at all, a system pop-up asked me if I wanted to buy an XBox controller. When I lock the screen and come back, sometimes Edge will have opened all by itself, presenting me with the Bing homepage. Nice try, Microsoft!
You've given me instructions that require terminal use, your argument is invalid. If it doesn't either work out of the box or is immediately fixable without going into the terminal, then it's not ready yet.
I'm not making an argument, I'm telling you how to fix your problem.
Even if the instructions required terminal use, you're on Linux. You're not going to make it very far if you confuse having to use the terminal with a failure in the software.
Regardless, literally none of what I said requires you to use the terminal. It requires you to install a specifically named software package and type 5 characters into the Dolphin bar (note, the picture).
I fixed this ages ago, I am pointing out that it's unacceptable from a UX standpoint. And it was in the last year for the record, this definitely wasn't just a fully solved issue years ago.
Which is great for the people who have the time to invest to know how to use a computer via the terminal, I used to be one of those people, now I have had various full time jobs that don't use computers for nearly a decade since then though and I don't want to do much with terminal anymore (it took me like 10 minutes to remember 'top') It's hard to take a polished, user friendly OS seriously when I couldn't access the NTFS windows backup partition on my laptop without using terminal, because they needed elevated permissions to see because they were, naturallly, created by another user. I legitimately couldn't just open the file manager as root to copy and paste my files into the new root partition without thinking about it. Ridiculous hand holding clunkiness.