This isn't the gotcha you think it is. There's a slight difference in using a well established acronym vs. a personally made-up one 😅
You're essentially getting upset that someone used a word that you aren't familiar with. With that, you're comparing someone using this unfamiliar word to the use of a non-existant word.
When you encounter a word you dont know, you look it up in a dictionary. You don't call out the author on their communication skills (rudely, mind you).
I'm really trying to be cordial here, and I really don't mean to cause upset, but you must see where I'm coming from, no?
Your inability to deal with loss is what will inevitably hold you back. You chose to argue, and you lost. You won’t get a stomach ache from swallowing your pride, but you will isolate yourself to a sad echo chamber if you choose to block and sedate everyone and everything that hurts your feelings.