Liberated the first province, and most of the second province, but the difficulty level of remaining bases increased a lot. Many elite level enemies and lot more enemies. Doesn't make the game too difficult, but I was just playing it for mindless blowing up stuff, so when I couldn't do that anymore, didn't want to continue playing it.
Should just get EDF for this mindless killing stuff.
I wasn't planning to start it anytime soon, dunno why I did.
I am only about 4-5 hours in, and for now it feels "Dragon Age" to me. Maybe it will change when I play more, but the level design and characters interaction etc. feel similar to Inquisition. Character models and visual styles are of course different, as well as combat, but playing the game feel like I am playing a sequel to Inquisition, not some other random game.
Bridge to the Turnabout is peak! Enjoy the ride :)
I am still playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 while waiting for Xenoblade Chronicles X (Thursday cannot come soon enough!). I finally managed to pull the elusive blade KOS-MOS, but I am still trying to get the 3 remaining rare blades I am missing. This gacha system is so horrible 😭
It is! I am still in the start, 5-1, but it's going great.
XC-2 was my first XC so it holds a special place for me, but not a fan of the gacha system. Mechanically, it's probably my least favourite game in trilogy.
I am curious to read your impression once you will have finished the case :D
I finally managed to get all the missing blades yesterday evening after an intense grinding session. The game is so good on so many aspects (and it was my first xenoblade game as well). The setting is magical, the lore, the character development, the side quests. This is all so good. This gacha system is the weakest point, however.
Yeah, that is why I mentioned mechanically. It also has my least favourite combat system, but that could just be it being my first XC game and it taking a while to get my head wrapped around it. But yeah, the characters and the world are interesting.