My initial reaction, the socially acceptable one, was akin to "oh, wow, that's weird." After I gave it a minute, though... Gotta say, if I could be certain of the fact that I wouldn't be interrupted in any way and had full control over the situation... yeah, that actually sounds like a nice getaway...
Edit: or in a bunker! I would not mind not seeing the light of day (or anything else, for that matter) for a month! Would be a nice RAM purge at the very least!
Honestly, I'd bring water and food. Why starve and suffer when you can not suffer. I know, worldly attachments and shit, but I never got the part about intentionally suffering. That is just like those Christian zealots that self-flagellated for their sins, just more passive.
But other than that, it sounds like a dream vacation.
Agreed, at least around water, my kidneys are hyperactive and need constant lubrication. Food, though... meh...
And I wouldn't do it for the suffering, I would genuinely do it for relaxation, like a full habitat sensory deprivation chamber.
What I do for suffering is try to face the sun for longer than I feel comfortable, the whole idea of self-immolation being purifying and such. I can see why some would think that, baking in the sun really does a wonderful job at bringing me back to the present through widespread pain.
I just dislike suffering without a cause. That might be more my personal view on things, though.
If I am going to suffer, then I want it to be for a reason. Like doing a fulfilling job well, or working out to feel better. Otherwise I could just punch myself in the nuts and meditate on my aching crotch.
On a side note, I don't seem to feel hunger as strongly as other people. I mostly get tired, while other people tend to get agitated / pissed off. Maybe I should try fasting for a while just to find out how I react. But, then it would be for a cause again...