This is a lame burn, and a crappy post. If you don't like the movie why not just say that instead of a half-assed attempt to be witty? What didn't you like about it?
Yeah it's posts like these that do not offer engagement and we don't really need more of them. This isn't reddit, here, where over there people only write the headline and nothing in the body except two lines, like this one. It's annoying.
Oh com'on, really? You're coming to FFC's rescue? That's nice. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pick on the poor fella, with his own movie studio and all, I know he's got it rough. I liked a lot of his other stuff, if that helps.
It's a real post, and watching that movie was:
a real thing I did that not many other people did, and
I don't think anyone will think is cool or will make them jealous.
Perfect example of the kind of thing I meant. If you don't have one, don't post. I thought I'd hear some funny things people had to say, and maybe some interesting ones as well.