with so many foreign troops fighting for russia in ukraine, there is zero justification for european troops not to be fighting with the ukranians as well. zero. every day that uk & france aren't mobilzing and deploying troops to ukraine is just more european stalling until complete abandonment
This is not accurate, there a lot of different peoples fighting in the war but conflict within Ukraine is fought under Ukrainian and Russian flags only. North Koreans are deployed in Kursk region of the Russian Federation.
Edit: Korean under NK flag, they have military engineers deployed in donas region in support role but i think they are actually under RF flag
But technically Russia already popped the cherry on this, I will agree... if NK can deploy into Russia for combat operations why would not an EU state do the same?
I think for the longest time the worry was that it would potentially be a NATO conflict. With Trump throwing everything out and them threatening to pull the US out of NATO I do sort of hope that gives Europe a reason to fight.