Eh. By what I've read this was more 'practice' for a week long blackout. People don't seem to understand though that those goods are needed period and all it will do is create a weird spike in supply/demand before and after the week/day. General focused boycotting on non-essentials is impactful, but one day? You're just going to go out and buy the day before or after. That doesn't even create a blip for suppliers.
When you find out most of the people live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to buy in bulk, or don't even have a place to store it because they live in an apartment, is when you realize that only a certain privileged subset of them is able to participate in this type of passive protests...
And bulk foods are significantly cheaper than non-bulk. So ate preserved foods / long lasting over fresh. I'd get bulk beans, canned spinach, canned mandarins, spam, bulk noodles, sack of potatoes, etc, so the argument doesn't make sense there either. If I did get something fresh, usually it was fresh meat on sale that I could immediately cook or freeze if I could afford to buy extra for later.
So I mean my wife and I shop pretty much daily for the quality of life of fresh ingredients. she also has a hard time with carbs so what we buy is more for me.
I know, I'm just saying when poor you specifically don't shop daily, because that also means more trips to the store, which is more trips to the store, which is more time and fuel. It's easier to weather a boycott if poor than privileged as the original content I replied to mentioned.
This in the USA though.
I'm Finland, near daily trips can be cheaper, if shopping for sales, because you can usually walk to a market. But frozen vegetables are still usually cheapest for vegetable options. Canned items here are expensive. Bulk is still cheaper here too.
I literally sometimes was going a day without food, or on 400 calories or less. I'd lay with a pillow or a hard object under my stomach to calm the hunger pain. I'd drink a lot of water at once to feel full. I'd walk miles on my free days (when I had the energy) to the local forest to forage (mostly got nopales to make with eggs).
Bulk is cheaper overall. If you can't buy the bulk unit, you can't buy, well, anything, because paychecks aren't daily (other than when working for tips, but you can save for specific bulk items then, and being a waiter can have food perks), and bulk items will last you longer than a day. Rice and beans last longer than a day, and a large bag of both of extremely cheap and can last you 5 days easily if you eat once a day.
You're literally telling someone who was in extreme poverty how to survive extreme poverty.
I suppose the lifestyle and definition of poor is different in the US because, simultaneously, 60% of Americans live at or below the level of poverty and is one of the most overweight nations globally.
My assumption is that over several decades, ultra capitalism has forced everyone in the nation to consume on a daily basis. So, not purchasing something in one day is near impossible because of the way their society is set up.
You didn't address it. Did you also buy bulk toilet paper or detergent? If you are that poor you can't take advantage of bulk savings because you can't pay upfront. Regardless of purchase.
And if in extreme poverty, you don't eat much meat, it's mostly eggs (years ago when they were cheap). Fresh meat was always an "it's on sale because it's expiring today" event that you'd buy as much as you can and then piece out to freeze for later while eating a bit that same day. Most of the time it was cheap canned meats you'd have coupons for ideally of you wanted meat, and you wouldn't eat the whole can at once.
Water??? Really?
I mean, maybe you had a good intention, but you clearly have no idea what poverty is like. When you're that poor you don't buy water, you get what's on tap - even if it smells strongly of bleach.
How the fuck did you conclude that when not reading something that's nearly the same length as your initial comment?
I take that back, you don't have good intentions, don't care about the poor clearly, and are just trying to sabotage people's organizing efforts while discussing in complete bad faith.