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  • notaðu til að opna fjarsamfélög í heimatilvikinu þínu

    • Thanks, that looks useful!

      FWIW, machine translation for Icelandic is terrible. I beg you to just post in English - everyone here understands English and there is less risk of miscommunication.

      I've seen many discussion threads devolve into pointless arguments because one party used google translate, and it just silently inverted the meaning of what was said. The grammar and syntax all looks fine, but the output did not match the meaning of the input.

      Sorry for the rant, this is a pet peeve of mine :)

      • I’m sorry, I just thought it would be impolite to plaster my English everywhere lol. I’m such a silly Canuck.

        I can imagine that Google Translate doesn’t get a lot Icelandic input so it would be rough around the edges.

        On a separate note though, the Icelandic and Faroese languages really do look interesting as the words are long and the pronunciations are unique.

        • No worries, friend.

          Yeah, Icelandic and Faroese are really close, we can almost understand one another. Written faroese I can mostly read. Spoken I can't follow, but I think with a couple of months immersion I could mostly get the hang of it.