I'm guessing they did this because my comment didn't have the correct positive vibes for them on their post when they're the moderator.
It's funny because 196 and almost all of its derivatives are rightfully anti-tankie because tankies promote centrism and conservatism directly harmful to trans and gay rights.
Marxism is explicitly a materialist worldview - it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities
Unless you just mean 'the culture of marxists', but then you've pretty much taken up the term in its original meaning. Especially since the original post is about transgenter identity...
The only point in which Marx comments on cultural practices is to point to how it is used to reinforce labor relations with capital.
Because 90% of Marx's writing is about class relations. That's like saying "The only part where the rock star sings is when the guitar is playing", no fucking shit.
If there’s any definitive ‘culture’ to Marx it’s more broadly counter-traditional than anything specific.
So now we've moved on from "it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities because it's a materialist worldview" to "Marxism doesn't have a culture", which isn't even close to what was said and what I objected to.
Because 90% of Marx’s writing is about class relations.
Yes that's the point. Marx isn't concerned with cultural expression outside of how it's used inside class relations. Which is why it's inane to point to 'the culture of marxism', because outside of that narrow materialist context marxism doesn't concern itself with culture.
Yes that’s the point. Marx isn’t concerned with cultural expression outside of how it’s used inside class relations. Which is why it’s inane to point to ‘the culture of marxism’, because outside of that narrow materialist context marxism doesn’t concern itself with culture.
So now we’ve moved on from “it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities because it’s a materialist worldview” to “Marxism doesn’t have a culture”, which isn’t even close to what was said and what I objected to.
Outside of how they relate to material conditions, it doesn't.
It can't help inform your gender identity any more than it can help you decide what toppings to put on your pizza. Attributing that kind of cultural expression to an ideology that has nothing to say about it isn't just dumb, it's fascistic.
Ideologies are a part of culture, but culture isn't a part of all ideologies, see?
"The culture of Marxism" is a misnomer - any distinct 'culture' that marxists might share is incidental to what marxism actually is. Suggesting that transgender expression is somehow a distinct feature of a culture 'of marxism' is exactly the thing 'cultural bolshevism' and 'cultural marxism' are pointing to.